Gemma Davis

I have been dedicated to working with clients on the path of transformation for over two decades, using a range of modalities I hold qualifications in including naturopathy, nutrition, yoga, pranayama, meditation and therapy. I view health with a wholistic lens and have been blessed to witness the interconnection of body, mind and spirit while being part of facilitating thousands of client’s healing journeys. Whether it be moving bodies on yoga mats, dropping into stillness on meditation cushions or delving into the fascinating workings of our human psyche, all my work is about guiding us to know our selves more intimately so we can live healthy, abundant lives aligned to our true nature.

While my wonderfully full life includes fulfilling work in my clinic, yoga studio and hosting workshops, raising two teenage children I love and connecting with friends, it is also sprinkled with hard human issues we often face: business pressures, relationship tensions, loved ones struggling with serious illnesses. Just being human in today’s world, I recognise professionally and personally the necessity to have regular remedial resets to rejuvenate my nervous system. I do this in small doses daily in my personal rituals, monthly by turning off my phone and escaping to nature for the day and annually on retreats to dive deeper and rest more fully. By pressing pause I gain fresh clarity, and when I come back to my regular programming it is with renewed appreciation and vitality which I benefit from, but so does everyone else I touch. This offering is born out of wanting to share these gifts with you; three days that are tonic for your body and soul (& your loved ones when you return refreshed!)

Brooke Brash

I’m a Mother to my son River, and Co-founder of Imaginal - an online community that expands awareness of self and the natural world. My journey into this space began in an unlikely place - 10+ years working in the finance industry and in 2017 I felt the effects of living a life where I felt disconnected, under pressure and not living in my purpose.

I was in search for deeper meaning and began tapping into healing practices and rituals, among many I practiced Vipassana meditation and completed my Yoga Teacher Training. I connected with the medicine of Tea on a deep level which remains my consistent practice to this day. Over the last 5 years I’ve explored the world of experiential neuroscience with my teacher Michelle Baty, which has completely transformed the lens in which I view myself and the world.

I cultivated an overwhelming amount of self-connection and compassion, and my mission became clear - to create spaces that foster connection to self and the collective. This led me to curating the wellness experience at Solar Springs Health Retreat, co-creating the initiative - The Art of Noticing, and to this day tending to Imaginal that I co-founded with Isis Indriya and Nat Kelley. Now I’m honoured to share the fruits of my experience in intimate gatherings like this one.